My new novel is out!
It’s not easy being invulnerable.
Back in high school, Josh was secretly the famous superhero KID QUASAR. But he was so busy saving the world that he never had a chance to make any friends — let alone a boyfriend.
So now Josh is living in his mom’s basement, struggling to get his first real job after nearly failing out of college. Because it’s hard to be an A-student when alien arms dealers decide to attack Cleveland in the middle of your sociology final. And as his mom keeps pointing out, being a superhero doesn’t actually pay anything.
Worse, Josh isn’t even a big-name superhero anymore. Some showoff named Comet Boy came along, rescued a few celebrities, and became a social media darling. And suddenly, nobody cares about Kid Quasar.
Like so many young guys, Josh is feeling lost. He can’t be the person that he was back in high school, but he can’t figure out what comes next. And even though he has this one amazing thing that makes him special, there’s no way for him to make a living at it. He’s a misfit who can’t find a place for himself in the world.
And then Josh meets Rick, the guy who might change everything. There’s just one BIG problem . . .